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Mind Collected Online Help

Hi and welcome!

If you do not know Mind Collected yet, learn how you can use it first. You can use it as a Personal Visual Knowledge Base, Learning and Memory Tool, or as a Visual Collector’s Software.

If you already have Mind Collected installed –

To get started quickly, I recommend that you check out the Quick Start Guide first.

You can see the individual help chapters on the right.

The most important chapters are Tags, Items, Connecting Items and Notes.

You don’t need to read all the chapters, but once you get serious about using Mind Collected, it’s a good idea to review all the chapters so you get the maximum benefit out of Mind Collected.

You might notice that I’ve added discussion into each chapter. Feel free to post your follow-up questions or feedback to any of the Help topics so I can keep improving them, but please try to stay on topic. For general or off-topic questions, please use our Mind Collected support contact form on the Dextronet website.

Mind Collected is a completely new software invented from scratch. It can be you, personally, who will decide how it’s going to evolve next. I would love to hear what you think!

Oh, and in case you don’t have Mind Collected installed yet, you can download free 30-day trial from Dextronet.

I hope that you will find Mind Collected as life-changing as I did. I feel that since I’ve started using it, it has started my new personal renaissance.

Enjoy having your Mind Collected, and have a fabulous day!

Your friend,

Jiri Novotny


Mind Collected - Build your own visual database of your mind