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Keyboard and mouse shortcuts

Main window hotkeys

The following keyboard shortcuts work in the main window of Mind Collected:

  • Escape – minimize Mind Collected. If item or tag search results are open, close the search results instead. If secondary tags area is focused, clear selection (filter) in secondary tags area instead.
  • Ctrl+T – add new item. You can also double-click into empty space in the items area.
  • Ctrl+Wmnemonic hint: connect With – connect the selected item with another item (allows you to choose it).
  • Ctrl+E or Enter – edit the currently selected item
  • Delete – delete the currently selected item, tag or connected item
  • Ctrl +, Ctrl – – make item thumbnails larger or smaller. You can alternatively also use Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up and Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Down
  • F11 – toggle full-screen mode

Global show/hide hotkey

By default, it’s Ctrl + F2 and can be changed in Options.

Pressing this hotkey anywhere on your computer will display Mind Collected. If it’s already shown, it will hide it.

Using this hotkey will make you more efficient and save you a lot of time. It will also help you to build your visual database faster, as entering new items will become easier for you. Getting information from Mind Collected will also become faster for you.

Middle Mouse Button for zooming images

Move your mouse over any image that you want to view in full size. Then click and hold the Middle Mouse Button. See here for more info.

This works everywhere in Mind Collected.

Drag and Drop

This is extremely time-saving feature – you can Drag and Drop files and images into Mind Collected, as well items onto tags and other items.

Here’s what you can do with Drag and Drop:

Load image in Add Item and Edit Item windows: Drag and Drop an image file into the image box to load it.

Create items with images: Drag and Drop image files into the items area.

Create file-shortcut items: Drag and Drop non-image files into the items area.

Create sub-items with images: Drag and Drop image files into the connected items area.

Create file-shortcut sub-items (attachments): Drag and Drop non-image files into the connected items area.

Import new icon: Drag and Drop image icon file (PNG, GIF, ICO) into the icons area in the Add Item or Edit Item window, or into the Manage Icons window.

Assign items to tags: Drag and Drop items on a tag in the tags area, to assign them to the tag and clear their other tags. If you hold the Ctrl key, they will get the new tag assigned and preserve all their other current tags.

Connect items or make items sub-items: Drag and Drop items onto other item to connect them. Hold Ctrl key to make the dropped items sub-items instead.

Notes keyboard shortcuts

For notes editing shortcuts, please refer to the Notes – Keyboard shortcuts chapter.